About Us

Shals Treasurez

About Us

Shal’s Treasurez vision was ignited after the founder, Shalini, traveled to Haiti and India working with Human Trafficked survivors, domestic violence survivors, widows and orphans. She met many talented women survivors of violence who needed someone to believe in their unique creations and give them an outlet to share their products with the rest of the world. Thus Shal’s Treasurez was born as Shalini saw a greater purpose for her life which went beyond just counseling, encouraging and empowering these women with words. She saw a means to secure a future for them as well. Shalini used her 30 plus years working in the Corporate world as an Accountant and Auditor to develop this vision and platform.

Mother Teresa said, “If you want to end world hunger, feed one person.” We cannot help everyone but we can help as many as we can, and we will. Here at Shal’s Treasurez we want to actively help in transitioning survivors of violence back into society. We want to provide them with a means to earn a living and be able to survive on their own merit and not be dependent on a non profit agency or a shelter all their lives. These survivors have endured a lot and we can encourage them, through purchasing their products, that they are capable of creating beautiful things and their creation is appreciated by people. They are worthy to be a part of this world. We at Shal’s Treasurez believe in these survivors, their resilience and their ability to create beauty out of the ashes of their past.

Personal Note from Shalini

Welcome to Shal’s Treasurez my friends!

Shalini Singh

Shalini Singh


I wanted to share a little bit about myself so that you can understand why I am so driven and passionate about helping Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence survivors. I am a domestic violence survivor. I have been where a lot of these women have either been or are currently dealing with. So I understand them very well. Abuse comes in so many different forms, it is not always physical. Physical abuse wounds heal within days or weeks but emotional and verbal abuse remains with us for a very long time. A lifetime if we don’t get help and heal. Even though I was free from my situation I was very broken. Mentally and emotionally broken. No self confidence or self esteem. Any word of encouragement or support helped but didn’t completely heal. It was when I started to live by myself, financially support myself, and start to become independent, then the true healing began. Because all the dignity that I had lost in my abusive situation was slowly returning to me. I started to recognize my strengths and not focus so much on my weaknesses. I started to realize my worth. This is what I want any woman, who has survived a violent abusive situation, to know that you are worth so much more than what your abuser told you. This is what I am trying to instill in the women I meet and whose creative ideas Shal’s Treasurez will be supporting. When you purchase a product, whether it is anything from my collection and design, or those made by other survivors you are becoming a part of this journey to help these survivors transition back into society by learning to support themselves. You are playing a huge part in their healing and their journey to get their dignity back and realize their worth.

Thank you so much for your support!
